[Spotlight] 2 Books by Brad Hambrick, Overcoming Addiction: 9 Steps Toward Freedom and Navigating Destructive Relationships: 9 Steps Toward Freedom

Overcoming your addiction is a hard journey, and while nothing makes that easy, it is worth it. Taking this journey one step at a time with the support of others with similar struggles will give much-needed support and help. If you are willing to admit that alcohol and/or drugs are disrupting your life, Overcoming Addiction will guide you toward healing. Counselor Brad Hambrick provides a 9-step framework to help you reclaim your life and experience the freedom God wants for you. Find hope as you learn to be honest with God, yourself, and others. Overcoming Addiction is a support group curriculum that seeks to capture the gospel in slow motion and provide a safe environment for participants to grow together as they pursue steps toward lasting change to addictive patterns.   

Overcoming Addiction is a:   
~9-step model that gives gospel hope for those whose alcohol and/or drug use has overtaken their life.
~Indepth resource for churches and individuals to use for addiction support groups.
~A resource in the Church-Based Counseling series, built on the G4 model of subject-specific, lay-led counseling groups, designed to help churches create sustainable lay counseling ministries.

Overcoming Addiction: 9 Steps Toward Freedom Church-Based Counseling Series
by Brad Hambrick
July 29, 2024
Retail Price: $18.99 Print
Religion / Christian Ministry / Counseling & Recovery

Link to read a preview: New Growth Press.
 Link @ Amazon to pre-order the book: Overcoming Addiction.
 Link @ Christian Book to pre-order the book: Overcoming Addiction.
Link to read a preview: New Growth Press.
Published by New Growth Press.
When you’re in a destructive relationship, it can be difficult to identify what is happening and how to respond. It is normal to be disoriented by the chaos of a destructive relationship, but you do not have to remain passive in response to your loved one’s destructive patterns. All relationships disappoint us from time to time. But some relationships are destructive, especially those marked by addiction, abuse, and/or life-dominating problems. Navigating Destructive Relationships, a support group curriculum, provides you with a safe and stable place where you can name what’s going on and turn toward God. You are not alone. God sees and cares for your suffering. Navigating Destructive Relationships is built on a 9-step model that helps you process intense relational suffering with the hope of the gospel. Learning alongside others facing similar challenges allows participants a unique opportunity to grow as they identify choices, they can make in response to their loved one’s destructive patterns.

Navigating Destructive Relationships helps to:
~A 9-step model that helps participant process intense relational suffering with the hope of the gospel.
~An in-depth resource offers churches and individuals a unique opportunity to respond to destructive relationship patterns in a faith-filled and safe way.
~A resource in the Church-Based Counseling series, built on the G4 model of subject-specific, lay-led counseling groups, designed to help churches create sustainable lay counseling ministries.

Navigating Destructive Relationships: 9 Steps Towards Healing
Church-Based Counseling Series
by Brad Hambrick
July 29, 2024 / Retail Price: $18.99
Print ISBN:978-1-64507-431-1
Religion / Christian Ministry / Counseling & Recovery
Link for the book @ Amazon.
 Link for the book @ Christian Book.
About the Author:
Brad Hambrick, ThM, EdD, serves as the Pastor of Counseling at The Summit Church in Durham, NC. He also serves as Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a council member of the Biblical Counseling Coalition, and has authored several books, including Making Sense of ForgivenessAngry with God, and the Church-Based Counseling series, and served as general editor for the Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused curriculum. 
Website for Brad Hambrick.

Book Spotlight: Reaching a Child’s Heart by Juan and Jeanine Sanchez

In Reaching a Child’s Heart, Juan and Jeanine Sanchez encourage parents from their gospel-shaped perspective that children don’t need perfect parents—they need a perfect Savior. 
Raising children can feel overwhelming as you try to navigate the many voices telling you what to do and not to do, but God has already given you everything you need to be faithful parents! Even though you may be exhausted and discouraged, take heart from the simple, biblical principles shared by Juan and Jeanine Sanchez that will point you to Jesus as your guide and helper as you seek to shepherd your children through every age and stage of growth.
As they share their own journey of parenting five children, the authors highlight the importance of a team-based approach of parenting together. They emphasize focusing on children’s hearts, rather than behavior modification, and illustrate how daily faithfulness in the routine cares of life is never a waste of time. A down-to-earth, practical guide for parents that will help them move from survival mode to joyful, Christ-dependent parenting. Parents will learn biblical principles for parenting, including practical examples of parenting through different ages and stages. Includes questions for reflection for individual use or group discussion.
Reaching Your Child’s Heart: A Practical Guide to Faithful Parenting by Juan and Jeanine Sanchez.
Published by New Growth Press. Publication Date: May 6, 2024.
224 pages.
Currently $11.99 for the paperback @ New Growth Press. On this day’s posting, this is the best over-all price.
Link to the book @ Amazon/ Christian Book.

About the Authors:

Juan Sanchez, MDiv, ThM, PhD, serves as senior pastor of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, TX and is a council member of The Gospel Coalition, cofounder and president of Coalición, and an associate professor of theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has authored numerous books, including 1 Peter for You and The Leadership Formula

Jeanine Sanchez teaches English and writing to children and teaches the Bible to women. When not in the classroom, Jeanine enjoys reading, hospitality, watching Florida football, and spending time with her adult children and her grandchildren. 

Juan and Jeanine have been married over thirty years and have five adult daughters.