(Review) Art and Faith: A Theology of Making by Makoto Fujimura, Foreword by N. T. Wright

Publisher and Publication Date: Yale University Press. 2020.
Genre: Nonfiction. Art and faith.
Pages: 184.
Format: Hardcover.
Source: Self-purchase.
Audience: Christian readers who want to understand the pairing of art and faith.
Rating: Excellent.

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Makoto Fujimura website

His testimony.


“What if the entire Bible is a work of art, rather than the dictates of predetermined ‘check boxes’ for us to get on God’s good side? What if we are to sing back in response to the voice of eternity echoing through our broken lives?” Page 6.

Makoto Fujimura believes art is overlooked as something not “purposeful.” In Art and Faith Fujimura explains God is the Creator of the gift of art, creativity, and imagination.

My Thoughts:

I cannot begin to express how much I love this beautiful book. It is the kind of book I will read multiple times and each time awake to something fresh.

Both Makoto Fujimura and Sarah Clarkson (another favorite writer of mine) love to use Wendell Berry quotes. I too love Wendell Berry, but I’m new to reading his poetry, essays, and novels. Berry is referred to in Art and Faith as well as several other authors I love. For example, Dante and C. S. Lewis.

Other reasons why I love Art and Faith:
1. The explanation of art and theology together that flows through the book.
2. Key Hebrew and Greek words are introduced and explained.
3. The evangelical church teaches a Christian they are “fixed” by the Gospel, but the church doesn’t teach what our “purpose and what world we are being prepared for.” Page 30. This is an interesting point that I’m still thinking about.
4. The important role of imagination both to understand and carry it out.
5. It is thought that the creation of art (in any form) is not important. Art is important and is given as a gift to God’s created to create beauty.
6. One of my favorite chapters is “Lazarus Culture.”
“My faith is strong not because I believe in God and God needs my faith; my faith is strong because God created me to have that faith and has chosen me to do God’s bidding. I can now hear Jesus’s voice through the Spirit and create in the New Creation. My faith is strong because I have absolutely nothing to do with my own resurrection. I neither control my destiny nor have any confidence in myself, but full confidence in the power of God.” Page 144.