[Review] Sex in a Broken World: How Christ Redeems What Sin Distorts by Paul David Tripp

Publisher and Publication Date: Crossway. 2018.
Genre: Nonfiction.
Pages: 192.
Format: Paperback.
Source: Self-purchase.
Audience: Married and unmarried men and women.
Rating: Good.

Link for the book at Crossway with the ability to read chapter one.

Link for the book @ Amazon.

Link for the book @ Christian Book.


We live in a broken and sinful world which means God’s creation of sex has also been distorted and broken. This is the beginning of how Sex in a Broken World starts the examination of an often complicated and uncomfortable topic.

Paul David Tripp has written Sex in a Broken World and it is addressed to all adults. It is not just for the married but the unmarried. The book is directed to both male and female.

My Thoughts:

Sex in a Broken World was recommended to me by the author Crystal Sutherland. Crystal is also the founder of Journey to Heal Ministries, and the author of Journey to Heal. This is a ministry for women who have been traumatized by sexual abuse.

I went through a training by Journey to Heal Ministries to be a mentor. A mentor is one who walks alongside another as we work through the book study together. I am trained to work one on one or in a small group.

Sex in a Broken World is one of several books Crystal recommended. I have a small stack that I’m working through in reading. Some of the other books are Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual & Relational Brokenness by Harvest USA, Ellen Dykas, Editor. When a Woman You Love Was Abused: A Husband’s Guide to Helping Her Overcome Childhood Sexual Molestation by Dawn Scott Jones.
In Our Lives First: Meditations for Counselors by Diane Mandt Langberg, PhD. (I’ve read the last book listed.)

Over-all, there are things I like about Sex in a Broken World, but with exceptions.

1. The most important teaching from this book is really a reminder because as Christians we know this, but we often forget, we will never find what we are looking for in creation that will truly satisfy our hearts. Only God, the Creator, loves us perfectly and completely. No creation can satisfy our hearts like God who is Creator. However, people worship something and someone because we are created to be a worshiping people. This is a point Tripp begins working on from the first page. Later chapters are, “If Sex Is About Worship, Then it Can’t Be Just about You.” “If Sex Is About Relationship, Then It Can’t Be Just About You.”

2. Early in the book, Tripp explains how everything in this world has been broken and impacted by sin. He shares several examples of the lives of people who have been hurt by others or by their own choices.

3. Sex itself is an “act of worship.” This is a statement I’d not thought about, but after reading this book and considering it, I agree. I am glad Tripp gave a solid reason for his belief.

4. What is going on in our heart motivates the behavior we reflect. When the focus of sex is primarily about pleasure for self then sex is about worshiping our own self. It is not the love and unity with another that is the focus.

5. Sexual purity begins in the heart with, “a love for God that overwhelms all the other loves that battle for the allegiance of the heart.” Pages 123-124.

6. Later chapters are direct in topic and application about a person living dual lives.

7. Several illustrations from people’s lives are included in the book.

I’d mentioned at the start there is an exception in referring to what I didn’t like or feel lacking. It is more of a clarification about what this book is and what it is not.

To my knowledge, the topic of sex in Christian nonfiction books is a short stack. The books are often written by women for women. Tripp writes with an audience of men and women. It is rare for this type of book to be for both the married and unmarried.

A second thought, this book can be considered a tool. A basic starting tool for this topic. It does not address some other factors. For example, a couple where one of them will not change their behavior. That person will not even read a book like this. So, that lone person in the marriage who reads and works on what they can in the marriage continues on. This is tough because not all couples get a divorce. They stay married. They stay married and continue on with the same type of problems until one of them dies. Where is the help for the one person in the relationship who is working and trying to persevere? I’ve not found that book yet. Most books and teachers seem to think that when people see there is a problem, they will actively commit to doing something about the problem, but that is not always the case.

A third thought, not all married couples are able to have sex. This is usually, but not always, caused by physical health problems or the medications taken for health problems. What about the spouse who can have sex? What happens to them? How can they continue on in life knowing there will not be sex anymore in the marriage?

Some of the questions I’ve written in the above paragraphs do not have easy or quick answers. There may not even be an answer that solves the problems. However, I believe it would be nice to have books written for the spouse who is trying to stay in the marriage. They need support.

Sex in a Broken World is a diagnosis and a prognosis. It has very good teachings and applications for those who are living a life of sexual addiction, or they’ve committed adultery (a couple of examples.) It helps those who want to live a pure life. The book is helpful for those who work towards healing-if they are the ones who have struggled with sexual addictions or adultery. The book is not helpful for the offended and abused partner. It is not helpful past the point of okay I understand what the problem is and how we got here but what now.